Investors have different strategies that range from maximizing free cash flow to tax minimization. Whether acquiring a property with a credit-tenant or repositioning an asset that requires a greater deal of flexibility, we work with investors to understand their goals and find lenders that have a proven track record of executing on those needs. There are recourse options available depending on the overall characteristics of the credit request which may include: full, limited, prorata, and non-recourse.
Core Offerings
51% or greater of the property will be occupied by the owner of the property.
Acquisition and renovation of a property to provide the basis for increasing rents and the subsequent value.
The scope of a value-add project can be extensive and take a property substantially offline, which requires a longer timeframe to bring it to cash flow positive and then optimized.
Lenders that lend solely based on the value of the collateral and charge a higher than market interest rate generally because the property is not performing, and bank financing is not available.
Guidance lines or construction loans for spec and development projects.
Asset Classes
Self Storage
Special purpose properties(car washes, funeral homes, car dealerships, etc).